Friday, January 14, 2011

one week down, fifteen to go

... well, almost (i actually have an hour or so left - i'm typing this during nap time).  i'm feeling pretty confident so far, but i also haven't really had to do anything too official yet.  technically this week and next week are just for "observation," but sitting back and observing in a preschool classroom is an impossibility.  last semester, for instance, i was supposed to conduct several formal observations in the classroom i was working in (with ten or so two-year-olds) where you are to type literally ALL of the goings-on in the room, so most of mine included portions in which i would have to say things like:
while this other activity was occurring on one side of the room, a female student approached the observer carrying a bag of toy doctor tools and began to pull each out and apply them, with some force, to the observer's hand, arm, leg, or computer.  she then withdrew a pair of blue plastic glasses frames from the bag and placed them, upside-down, on the observer's face and proceeded to cock her head to one side and proclaim "boo-ga-da-bo!"
yep.  that honestly happened.  at least my grader had an interesting read.

i am in pretty high demand this week and, as such, have been used almost as a reward.  as in, "if you don't turn around and pay attention then you can't sit next to miss kelsey."  my attention is particularly sought after in the gym (where we go when it's too cold to go outside for recess).  my arms are often pulled in two different directions, and i must constantly attend to both a child shooting a basketball and another simultaneously twirling a hula hoop.  thankfully they haven't yet caught on that this is physically impossible.  yesterday the boys all fought over who would get to dance with me first (we had music playing) and each had his own moves to show off.  one boy, the shortest in class, decided he and i should tango, and even tried to dip me!  totally charming.  i'm trying not to pick favorites.

one of these boys and i had a particularly fascinating conversation today.  he came over and sat in my lap and asked me what i had on under my shirt.  i said "oh, do you see it peeking out?  a white undershirt."  he said "what about under that?" ... under that?  "nothing," i said with a smile.  he laughed and said "but what about these?" and proceeded to tap my boobs.  i tried, with little success, not to laugh as i said "oh that's just a part of me, just like these (tapping his legs) are a part of you!"  i just wasn't ready for the "how girls and boys are different" conversation.  it's only my first week, kid!

so, after one week here i have learned to be prepared to be chased, pulled on, climbed on, squished, poked, prodded, and questioned.  however, with that comes being danced with, having my hand held, receiving lots of hugs and cuddles, and being amused by the questions that they ask.  positives > negatives, i'd say.  at least, so far.

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