Monday, January 24, 2011

has it really been 10 days?

so, my intention when starting this blog was to write here at least weekly, but ideally more than that.  i mean, these kids provide me with a wealth of amusing stories!  but, here we are 10 days after my previous post.  my bad.

part of the reason it's taken so long to post is i have been SO BUSY.  oh my goodness.  the main thing taking up my time is trying to register for a sub in with the city schools.  this process is about 33x more complex than it really needs to be.  you have to sign up online, print it out, have two govt.-issued forms of i.d., fill out more forms, get your tb test, have a form that proves you got your test, get your fingerprints done, fill out one more form for good measure, bring your transcript to prove you've taken college classes, recite your abc's, dance the macarena, complete a form as a bonus, run a mile in 7 minutes or less, balance three books on your head ... i may have added a few requirements, but you get the idea.  i mean, i am glad that they have a thorough system to ensure we don't have undesirable individuals working with our children, but come on.  i just want to get paid when my teacher or the assistant in my room is out.  meaning, theoretically, i should be paid for today and last friday.  hopefully that can happen somehow - having a little dinero would be a huge help for, you know, groceries etc.

other than that, these kids wear.  me.  out.  i've been making a conscious effort to be a social being (you know, hang out with people in my general age range) and have really been pretty successful.  i'm kind of impressed with myself, truth be told.  but, because i have been socializing, i have had to cut into sleeping.  which is an activity that is pretty vital.  so my current strategy: stagger social nights and sleep nights.  and sleep all day saturday.

the kids haven't said anything too crazy/quotable these past couple of days, but we did engage in a rousing game of duck duck goose that cracked up the adults.  one of the janitors loves to come and play with these kids in the gym, so he was there and initiated a game of duck duck goose with a few of the kids.  naturally, everyone else saw this and begged to join in the circle.  soon, essentially the entire group - 20+ kids - were sitting in a circle getting their heads tapped.  there were a few kinks, though.  i expected some of them to forget to say "goose" and so we would have to encourage them.  however, some of them, after saying goose, would forget to stop running and sit down.  this led to several (forgive the pun) wild goose chases around the gym to catch the kids and get at least one of them to sit back down.  finally, there is one little boy who has a certain affinity for me.  it's cute, but also means i have an extra appendage.  i thought that the game would be enticing enough for him to let go, but of course he didn't.  and the kids all wanted to pick me to chase them.  so i had to chase while i had a three-year-old attached.  good workout, at least.

more fun stories to come i'm sure - more frequently.  i promise.

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