Friday, January 7, 2011

hello, nice to meet you, i'll be with you for the next 80 school days

so i just met the teacher i'll be working with for the semester and she is fantastic, a veteran teacher, and totally on the ball.  which is great because i went in a PILE of nerves.  i'm pretty good at looking relaxed, but inside i was feeling a little crazypants.  what if she doesn't like me?  what if i give off a crappy first impression?  what if i go at the wrong time?  what if i go to the wrong room?  the wrong SCHOOL?

i timed my trip (yep, really) so i would be sure to get there on time on monday (oh yeah, and "on time" is between 7:30 and 7:45 in the am.  boo.).  i introduced myself to the lady at the front desk right away (should be a good move) and stood outside the classroom for a minute (the kids had naptime so i didn't want to go in).  thankfully the teacher came out and we sat down in the cafeteria and had a really easy-breezy talk about general expectations (things like "what time do you want me to be here?" and "how formally do you typically dress?") and that was it.  so long, see you bright and early monday morning.


so now that that's over all i have to worry about is stuff like what i'm going to plan for the coming semester when i start to take over the class, what i'm going to do when i'm done and graduated, where i'm going to go, can i even get a job, etc. etc. etc.

but first thing's first: what to wear on the first day.  baby steps.

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