Monday, January 10, 2011

first day of school jitters

so last night i was freaked out nervous anxious nuts.  with no real reason to worry since the first week or two is essentially just observation and playing with the kids, i was worried.  i thought "i'll watch tv for a while" but i couldn't sit still.  i thought "i'll take a bath to relax" but the water wouldn't get warm enough.  i thought "i'll read a chapter or two in a book to settle down" but still wasn't tired.  slept soooooo poorly.  and then had to wake up at 6:30.  i had totally forgotten how early that is.

but the school day went really well!  the teachers are really nice, and the kids seem to like me.  i also discovered that this group is going to be amazing when it comes to providing quotes.  today:
- a kid asked the head teacher "have you gone bananas?"
- another described the rules to "spin the bottle" complete with the finale "then you have to go in the closet"
- a third kid called me a "jackwagon" (thinking it was a good thing) and proceeded to quote the entire geico commercial that "jackwagon" is used in

i think this is going to be good.

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