Wednesday, April 27, 2011

winding down

i ran into the assistant principal today (thankfully, only figuratively) and she asked how much longer i get to stay at the school.  i had to pause for a moment before responding "next friday?  wow, yeah, next friday."  this really has flown by.  i no longer have any real responsibility (no more lesson planning) - i am now just an extra set of hands.  so i'll share two tidbits that haven't yet made the blog yet:

tidbit 1:
one of my kids asks the most interesting questions to me.  he is very curious; he's the one who asked what i was wearing under my shirt, for those of you who know the story (for those of you who don't, he asked me one day what i was wearing under my shirt.  when i told him nothing he said "but what about those?," referring to a couple elements of my anatomy.).  he also once asked me, upon my return from the ladies room, "which bathroom did you go to?"  i said i went to the girl's room, and he asked "why?"  "because i'm a girl."  "oh, ok."  the most recent inquiry: "do you have a ring?"  "nope."  "well, have you ever been married?" "no."  "oh, well good," he said, and scooted over closer to me.  i didn't have the heart to tell him i don't date younger guys ;)

tidbit 2:
the kids have just gotten into the habit of calling each other, and the teachers, silly names.  they will call someone by another person's name (or random objects, such as the other day when a child turned to me and asked "could you get me a milk, miss juicebox?").  i really don't mind being called "miss juicebox" nor to i mind, when zed sits on cassidy's name at circle, calling him "cassidy."  it cracks them up and is pretty harmless.  however, these kids watch a lot a lot a lot of television and so also use names like "jackwagon" (from the geico commercial), wholly unaware of the meaning.  i try to correct without scolding and/or laughing, but have you ever heard a four-year-old call another four-year-old a "jackwagon" in an endearing tone?  i challenge you not to laugh.

enjoy :)

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