Monday, February 7, 2011

teaching notes and funny quotes

first observed lesson really went pretty well - about 10x better than i expected.  my main goal, which i shared with my university supervisor (who did the observing) was "if a teacher or principal were to walk by or pop their head in, would it look like i knew what i was doing?" and the answer was "yes."  phew.  the hardest thing for me is that when one student needs extra help, i want to focus in and help that one kid for as long as they need.  which is fine.  good, even.  but if you are the "lead teacher" you also have to monitor all of the students.  luckily the teachers i'm working with each "took charge" of a couple of kids.  the other problem was when kids began to ask "what do i do when i'm done?"  my original plan and the head teacher's idea of what to do unfortunately were not one in the same.  so i have to remember that when i'm in charge i need to take charge, but to be sure and check with the lead teacher about her plans first.  next time, next time.

today i ran my first morning circle.  it actually went really well!  we got through all of the information (calendar, abc's, days of the week, etc.) with a little time to spare, even.  which was the problem.  we ran through the "follow up" (translation: the other group isn't here yet and we have to do something to hold the kids' attention for a little longer) activities, and so i had to wing it.  the kids stuck with it, believe it or not, and, again, i managed to look like i knew what i was doing.  now i just have to keep that up for eleven weeks.

amusing quote time:

when "reading" (making up a story for the pictures) a book to herself, one little girl decided two characters were fighting and one said to the other "you are a shark and not a big worm!"  a minute or two later, a fly landed on the book page.  she swatted it away, crying out "fly, stop!  i'm trying to read a book!"

another child, upon entering the classroom in the morning, came to me and said "i went to a concert.  it's a big-time rush!"  he didn't know what concert it was, but whatever it was it must have been good.


  1. I'm glad your observation went well! I remember being so nervous for mine! And Big Time Rush is the name of a band that has a show on Nickelodeon, so I'm guessing it wasn't really a concert but more mom turned the TV on for me type of thing, ha! Your stories make me miss student teaching, no one says anything quite as adorable in my UVA classes, stupid college kids ..

    Talk to you soon,

  2. ahh, Big Time Rush. perhaps i should be watching cable children's programming more often so i can keep up with these guys :)

  3. Haha I only know because my little brother is 10! But preschoolers can definitely teach you a thing or two. One week, all the kids were talking about jerking and I had NO idea what they were talking about so I broke down and googled it (it's a new dance move) and then I promptly made them show me how to do it! Ah, the joys of 4 year olds =)
