Wednesday, February 9, 2011

i think i left my brain at work

it dawned on me this week that, apart from being at work or at a social event, i have been essentially a lump.  my routine has been go to work, get back from work, sit down, remember i'm hungry, cook/reheat something, turn on the t.v. "for a little bit," then two-to-three hours later i curl up in bed.  periodically i have extra work things or social events to attend, but my current modus operandi has been that of a brainless zombie bum.  this weekend i decided to cease these lazy, lazy habits.

yesterday i attacked the issue of physical health.  walking to and from work is fine, but the body needs more.  i tried everything to convince myself to go work out after work, including placing my bag of workout clothes such that i'd trip over them, but nothing worked.  finally i've worked out the plan: pack my workout clothes with me when i go to work, and changing at work before i walk home (which is literally right past a gym).  success.

tonight?  perusing online planning ideas with the t.v. on, and then reading an iep over a glass of wine.  surely my brain can still work after 5pm.  right?

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