Tuesday, June 21, 2011

on the hunt

job hunting is maybe my least favorite thing ever. it sucks to have to apply to a bazillion things, only to hear from a few. then, with education jobs in particular, you have to interview with the county/school district first fora screening interview, if they like you you get put in a database where a principal can find your name and they choose to interview you or not and then they tell human resources what they think. then you mayor may not get the job. lots is up in the air. not a good feeling.

tips: print about 20 more resumes than you think you'll need (in case they lost yours or want an extra to pass along to someone else), wear sensible shoes (in case they want to take youona grand tour of the school and/or join in a classroom for a while, and don't hesitate to call them after an interview to follow up if you haven't heard from them in a while (they wont think you are a pest, they will likely see your enthusiasm as a plus).

would be nice to say that, after a month or two of searching a job has been offered to me but nope (in fact, two interviews and two nos so far. womp womp.). so instead it's story time:

i had a screening interview recently with a county that seemed to be going pretty well. the woman interviewing me kept repeating my answers back to me with an excited expression and saying things like "you'd be surprised haw many people come in here and say exactly the wrong response to these questions!". this sounded promising. at the end of the interview she literally placed a gold star on my interview form, gave me a hug, and said it was a real pleasure talking with me. too bad her school isn't hiring. oh well; the hunt continues.

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