Monday, March 14, 2011

how to deal with bullies

this is as much for teaching kids as for teaching us teachers because sometimes, even grown ups can be bullies.  this i am discovering being a student teacher.  a fairly small, blondish, young-looking student teacher.  easy target.

recently, i had an interaction with the family member of one of my kiddos in which i got yelled at.  my clinical instructor (ie - the legit gets-paid-for-it teacher in the classroom) was out for the week and i was left as acting head teacher in charge.  meaning: if there is a problem, i have to deal with it.  and i did.  when the family member came in angry, we went out in the hall to talk about it.  shockingly, i managed to stay calm and generally eloquent.  i sent this person in the direction of someone more equipped to answer the question and went back in the room, shaking in my boots a bit, but also pretty stoked that i hadn't broken down and cried or something.  the rest of the day went really well.

now the trick is, how to progress?  what if something like this happens again?  my guess fear is that it is going to.  for now, student teachers: the moral of the story is to keep calm.  teach the kids that, remind yourself that.  and maybe stash away some security chocolate for after :)

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