Sunday, December 5, 2010


hello there!  you are lucky enough to have discovered my very exciting, totally thrilling, sure to be at least amusing teaching blog spectacular!  i thought it might be nice to write a blog about what it's really like out there in the world as a new little teacher.  SO, this will be that blog.  i was thinking that starting said blog at the student teaching level would be helpful so that the process of getting through the limbo between being a full-time student and being a full-time human being would be described here for you (so you don't feel quite as scared when it's your turn).  exciting steps in the job hunt?  i'll post it.  crazy things my students do to me?  it'll be here.  wild events that at all pertain to school in some way, shape, or form?  yep, those too.

so get excited because this is happening.

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