Friday, February 10, 2012

TAOANT - Valentine's Day Edition

lessons learned:

1) this blog title does not abbreviate gracefully

2) new teachers rarely have time to have a life

3) new teachers rarely have time to blog

4) if a new teacher finds a little time for a life, they DEFINITELY don't have time to also blog

ok, so things in my classroom are insane.  i had my first IEP meeting this week (actually went well!  the parents AGREED with my goals for their child!  relief.), and the staffing in my room may FINALLY be settled, but i am now running two classrooms full time.  yes, one person has two physical classrooms (across the school from each other, by the way) that she is supposed to be in charge of all day, every day.  thank goodness i am a fast walker.  and ... two people?  still working on that part ...

but this post is not to pout and be grumpy.  it's february!  it's almost valentine's day!  and i have an excellent book to share with you.  one of my students wrote a how-to book entitled "how to get a girlfriend" and it is truly superb.  enjoy :)

How to get a girlfriend

You need a girl, a door, flowers, a red skateboard, and some red paper.
note: he told me that the girl was trapped in the box behind the door.

I do small whacks on the door.

I give the flowers to the girl.

I show her moves.
note: he explained to me that after he shows her his moves, he watches her.  this is what the picture depicts.

I give her some red paper (it's a card).

Me and her go to school.

We do subtraction.

how romantic is that???