Monday, May 16, 2011

no, zebras!

this post, much like the previous one, is entirely gratuitous - actual important information is to come later in the week. 

so as a parting gift to my kiddos, i made them a picture book.  it really turned out pretty cute if i do say so myself (which, clearly i do) so i wanted to share it here.  i blurred out the names for their privacy, so you can fill in whatever names you want there (zeke, chrysanthemum, josephus, matilda, pickle, etc.).  enjoy!

Friday, May 6, 2011

strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff

so hopefully this works: i recorded my kids singing "puff, the magic dragon" and it is crazy cute :)

that's all, folks!

so i'm done with student teaching.  which sounds (and feels) crazy.  totally nuts.  i'm not sure what i am going to do come monday morning.  it will feel strange not having to get up and go to school. 

i was able to do two very cutesy last-day-of-school things with my kids that i'll try to figure out a way to share here: we sang (and i recorded) "puff, the magic dragon," and i made them a picture book about themselves.  they loved all of it.  i got lots of hugs.  it was a good, good day.

i know what you're thinking.  ok, no i don't.  but if you were thinking "oh man, i totally love reading this and now it's over" never fear: student teaching is done, but job-finding and job-starting and job-accomplishing aren't.  there will be more to come :)  for now, i'm going to relish in not having to wake up early every morning for a little while.  time to relax.